13 Sep Request for Proposals: The Scan│Design Foundation Innovative Pain Research Grants
[NOTE: The application period for this award is now closed] The UW Medicine Department of Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine and the Scan│Design Foundation are pleased to announce the availability of a funding program designed to support creative, exploratory, cutting edge research in pain. This program was established to support projects that may be too innovative and speculative for traditional funding sources but still have a high likelihood of producing important findings. It is expected that investigations supported by these grants will yield high impact findings and result in major grant applications and significant publications in high impact journals. The ultimate goal of the program is to improve the lives of people affected by pain. We encourage applications for research proposals that involve new interdisciplinary and interprofessional collaborations and that are innovative and novel.
Scan | Design Foundation Research Innovation Awards program will award up to two grants up to $50,000 each to cover one year of funding to those research proposals demonstrating the greatest merit and potential for success. Eligible Principal Investigators include University of Washington faculty, post-doctoral fellows or graduate students who are working to deepen our understanding of pain and improve our systems for treating it. Investigators across all stages of their career and from any of the University of Washington affiliated departments and hospitals are encouraged to apply for this funding. Priority will be given to early stage investigators who have not yet achieved major research funding. However, investigators at any stage of career are encouraged to apply for this funding, particularly if this research area would constitute a new focus for their program of research. Only sole Principal Investigator applications will be accepted.
Grant review for this RFP will include translational, multidisciplinary reviewers from the UW, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and Seattle Children’s Hospital. The review committee will use modified NIH criteria* to score applications, placing additional emphasis on Innovation and Overall Potential Impact criteria. Written progress reports and an oral presentation of research progress are due every 6 months to the Research Grant Committee and a final report is due within 90 days of completion of the research.
For more information, please visit their website.
Letter of Intent deadline: October 15, 2019