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REDCap Tip of the Month: New Sorting Functions

REDCap Tip of the Month: New Sorting Functions

The latest version of REDCap (i.e., version 6.0.0) overhauled a number of the features that allow you to aggregate, query, and export the data in your project.

This REDCap version also introduced a number of helpful functions that allow you to sort through unstructured data to create more dynamic reports. For example, you can now search or filter through all the email fields in your records for emails that end with “”

New Sorting Functions

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You can use these sorting functions to craft sophisticated reports to monitor the progression of your data collection in detail. The sorting functions also works in concert with normal branching logic functionality, meaning you can define even more specific logic in your forms.

See an overview of all functions

Please visit the REDCap home page to learn more about available training, support, and answers to common questions.

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