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REDCap has the ability to conduct a number of different calculations based on the entered data. A calculation could be as simple as calculating Body Mass Index or more complex like determining how old somebody is based on their birthday and today’s date. However, these calculations...

For many junior faculty figuring out how to navigate life after receiving their doctoral degree, finding time to conduct the research they are passionate about can be a frustrating endeavor. Free periods of time for research can be very limited for these investigators between their...

Dr. Mary F. Hébert’s interest in the clinical pharmacology of drugs in pregnancy can be traced to her own experiences with challenging pregnancies and the lack of research regarding medication use during pregnancy. Over the last 15 years, Dr. Hébert, a Professor of Pharmacy at...

REDCap provides automatic question numbering for simple surveys. However, if your survey contains branching logic, REDCap turns the question numbering feature off to prevent random skipping of numbers. There are two ways of adding custom numbering to your REDCap surveys: via the online designer or the...

Clinical trials in academic settings are inherently difficult to design and conduct. Resources are unlinked and spread across institutions, which can make it difficult to secure the full breadth of expertise needed to conceive, develop, and implement a clinical trial. In an effort to overcome this...

The Institute of Translational Health Sciences announced today the appointment of Dr. Katherine Tuttle as Co-Director of the ITHS Regional Collaborations Program (RCP). In this role, Dr. Tuttle will serve as Chair of the Regional Advisory Workgroup, responsible for providing leadership and guidance on ITHS...

Biomedical researchers are struggling these days to fuel scientific pursuits. Cuts to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) budget are squeezing many investigators, particularly those early in their careers. Other endowments and funding sources are turning away large numbers of highly-qualified applicants. These mounting challenges persuaded...

Most REDCap users do not conduct their own statistical analysis, instead asking a professional statistician to do it for them. Since HIPAA rules prohibit sending data with personal health information via unencrypted email, a challenge arises in deciding how to get your statistician access to the...

A long-time interest in T cells made immunotherapy research a natural fit for Dr. Rebecca Gardner when she decided to pursue a career in pediatric oncology. Her latest study, Pediatric Leukemia Adoptive Therapy, or PLAT, combines these interests to bring new treatments to pediatric and...

Advances in smartphone technology have led to a proliferation of mobile health applications, but researchers are only starting to test how they can best be used to improve health care. One University of Washington investigator is seeking to change this reality by looking at how...