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Dr. Mauro Ferrari, the former boss of ITHS Executive Director Tong Sun and the incoming President of the European Research Council, visited ITHS's administrative offices. He also gave a talk at UW's School of Pharmacy called "My 28 Years of Failures (Trying To Cure Metastatic...

ITHS invites faculty, staff and post-doctoral fellows to attend the two-day Introduction to Clinical Research Boot Camp in July. This is an intensive workshop designed to provide foundational knowledge in designing and managing clinical trials for research team members new to the translational process....

REDCap now has the Alerts and Notifications feature that allows you to create and send customized email notifications to your study staff, participants, or other collaborators with ease....

The Internet can be an unsafe place for surveys. Fortunately, REDCap recently introduced the Google reCAPTCHA feature to protect your public surveys from spam and abuse....

The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) has awarded ITHS and Mark Sodders, DAOM, L.Ac., $350,000 over three years to add a new concentration into the KL2 program. NCCIH, an institute at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), created this opportunity to leverage...

Medical advancement is the result of years of discovery, meticulous experimentation, and most importantly collaboration among experts. The Institute of Translational Health Science aims to accelerate these processes through infrastructure improvements, educational offerings, research support, and facilitating these vital connections among investigators and research teams.[vc_empty_space][vc_row...

Sixteen new trainees will join the ITHS TL1 Translational Research Training Program in June 2019. In addition to a year of research support and mentored training, TL1 scholars join a multi-disciplinary cohort of investigators engaged in learning about the field of translational science. “As co-directors we...