ITHS Team Science education and training is offered through a collaboration with the UW Center for Health Sciences Interprofessional Education, Research and Practice (CHSIE). Team Science was launched in 2017 to support the development, performance, and recognition of high functioning interdisciplinary research teams through education, training and institutional policies. The work we do is informed by the concept of individual and team competencies (read more here). Our ultimate goal is to build diverse, agile teams that can address challenges and opportunities in clinical and translational research.
Team Science provides a number of offerings and services to help research teams become more efficient and effective by building stronger team dynamics and processes. Our services include a variety of offerings to improve you and your team’s skills in enhancing communication, building trust, managing research, providing supportive leadership and demonstrating problem-solving communications.
Interactive workshop attended by research teams. The objective of this training is to enhance team functionality and effectiveness. This multi-day training is designed to be both highly interactive and accessible to teams from across the WWAMI region. This workshop may be offered in person or virtually.
Topics include:
Cost: No cost
This 8-part series is hosted at 12pm Pacific the first Thursday of every month from October through May . The seminars are designed to develop individual team science competencies to prepare for effective collaborative research. Sessions focus on topics such as building and leading teams, handling conflict, multi-PI grants and designing research for health equity. Participants can attend live virtual sessions or watch online when their schedules allow. There is a certificate offered each year for those attend and complete evaluations for all 8 of the sessions. Each year builds on the prior year’s content, adding to and diving deeper into topics.
Read an interview with Team Science Co-Director Brenda Zierler on the Team Science Seminar Series here.
Team Science Seminar Series 2024–2025
Read about the 2024–2025 series here.
Team Science Seminar Series 2023–2024
(Please note that certificates of completion for this series are available to individuals who complete 8 of the 10 sessions and evaluations between 6/30/2024 and 9/30/2024.) More information about the 2023–2024 series here.
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Team Science Seminar Series 2022–2023
(Please note that a certificate of completion is no longer available for these recorded sessions. Certificates were available from 6/30/2023 – 9/30/2023.) More information about the 2022–2023 series here.
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Explore our Interprofessional Team Writing Toolkit. This toolkit is designed for researchers of all levels interested in improving how they collaborate to conduct scholarly writing across professions, disciplines, and institutions. The toolkit includes instructions and team writing tools including tracking forms and authorship agreement forms.
Learn more:
Cost: No cost
An online toolkit designed to aid those involved in the Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure (APT) process to recognize, support, and reward interdisciplinary research and collaboration. The APT Toolkit provides strategies, template and exemplars for early-career faculty, department chairs, and APT committees.
Please note related faculty code changes: “BE IT RESOLVED, that the UW Faculty Senate recommends that all departments, units, and schools develop policies, definitions, and rubrics that include metrics for assessment (e.g., categories of expectations, examples of indicators of impact) to standardize and communicate their values and norms for community-engaged scholarship as an activity distinct from service. This process should accomplish the following: 1. Include a review of promotion and tenure criteria for recognition of community-engaged scholarship and removal of obstacles to valuing community-engaged scholarship (e.g., expectation for a certain number of publications in a certain amount of time, expectation for solo publications, expectation for publication outlet [academic versus other media]). These rubrics and criteria, in considering community-engaged scholarship, should maintain or enhance acknowledgement of diversity, inclusion, and equity-focused scholarship. 2. Ensure that all departments, units, and schools intentionally “onboard” new faculty and train evaluators (e.g., voting faculty, chairs, deans, etc.) with the goal of introducing policies and rubrics related to community-engaged scholarship and other relevant expectations for promotion and tenure. 3. Implement parallel processes and acknowledgement of community-engaged activities, as appropriate, for individuals in non-tenure-track roles, such as research faculty, research scientists, and other professional staff. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the UW Faculty Senate recommends establishment of a universitywide resource or office for strengthening support of collaborative, community-engaged, and interdisciplinary research, teaching, and service. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the UW Faculty Senate supports drafting of Class A legislation to amend the existing faculty code in Chapter 24 – Section 32 which addresses the scholarly qualifications of faculty, to include community-engaged research.”
Learn more:
Cost: No cost
Access recorded sessions focused on skills for Team Engagement. Each session is 60-90 minutes long and can be accessed on demand via the ITHS website.
Team science topics include:
Cost: No cost
Live or virtual trainings for 6-40 individuals, ranging from 5-20 contact hours. These sessions provide tools and techniques to better manage and execute projects.
Service includes planning, customizing, communicating, delivering on objectives, and following-up.
Cost: training fees apply
Live or virtual trainings for new or established research teams or centers. This service is a great way to kick-off a new grant or for established research teams having challenges in meeting goals.
This service includes strategic planning, developing team agreements, working on a team project, or working through a specific issue.
In addition, this service can also include surveys, focus groups, or 1:1 interviews to gain team input prior to determining training objectives and approach.
Cost: Training fees apply
1:1 coaching by a certified trainer to support client needs.
Examples of topics include:
Cost: training fees apply
To learn more about Team Science and how we can help your research team, please email Laurel Barchet.