The application must be submitted through the ITHS website.
Applications will follow National Institutes of Health (NIH) formatting guidelines (see FAQ) and include:
[prettyfilelink size=”121 KB” src=”” type=”pdf”]1) Cover Page[/prettyfilelink]
2) Project Title and Abstract (250 word maximum)
3) Research Plan, 2-pages (references do not count toward page limit)
4) [prettyfilelink size=”29 KB” src=”” type=”xls inline”]4a) Budget[/prettyfilelink]and [prettyfilelink size=”37 KB” src=”” type=”doc inline”]4b) Budget Justification[/prettyfilelink]
[prettyfilelink size=”35 KB” src=”” type=”doc”]5) NIH format Biosketches for all investigators (senior/key personnel)[/prettyfilelink]