16 Aug The Entrepreneur’s Perspective on Telemedicine Technology and Tools Development
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Attend this session if you are a technologist or entrepreneur or simply seek to better understand how to innovate in the telemedicine arena. How are product needs identified from patient and provider experiences? What are the capabilities of new sensors, devices, and computing? How can we take advantage of these capabilities to develop novel technologies?
The Telemedicine 2.0 series offers inter-disciplinary insights into telemedicine practice and development of its supporting technologies with consideration for the associated regulatory, data security, and patient privacy issues. This free online series will be hosted in six parts (one pre-recorded and five live sessions) in September and October. One registration will give you access to the all of the sessions.
Event Materials
[prettyfilelink size=”6 MB” src=”https://www.iths.org/wp-content/uploads/ITHS-CDS-Telemedicine-2.0-Session-5-FINAL-PDF-10_11_24.pdf” type=”pdf”]SLIDE PRESENTATION: The Entrepreneur’s Perspective on Telemedicine Tools and Tech Development[/prettyfilelink]
Series Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this program, participants will be able to:
- Identify opportunities to improve remote patient care
- Identify security and privacy risks associated with telemedicine technologies
- Mitigate introduction of disparities in access to clinical care
- Telemedicine 2.0: How Is It Relevant to Me? (Pre-recorded video posted by 09.11.24)
- Telehealth Then and Now (09.25.24, 9–10am PDT)
- Telemedicine Regulatory Issues: Licensing, Standards of Practice, Billing, and Reimbursement (10.01.24, 3–4pm PDT)
- Protecting Privacy and Maintaining Security in Telemedicine (10.08.24, 3–4pm PDT)
- The Entrepreneur’s Perspective on Telemedicine Technology and Tools Development (10.15.24, 3–4pm PDT)
- Digital Inclusion and Access to Care by Telemedicine (10.24.24, 10–11am PDT)
About the Speakers
Cindy Lin, MD, FACSM, FAAPMR, is a Clinical Professor of Sports & Spine Medicine in the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine. She holds the Endowed Professorship of Sports and Exercise Medicine. She is the Director of Clinical Innovation for The Sports Institute. She provides sports and spine patient care at UW Husky Stadium Sports Medicine Center and Eastside Specialty Center. She serves on the Board of Trustees of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), the NCAA Training and Performance Advisory Group, and is an Exercise is Medicine Governance Board Member. Before joining UW, she practiced at the Singapore Sports and Exercise Medicine Centre at Changi General Hospital in Singapore.
Teddy Johnson, PE, MBA, joined the healthcare community over 25 years ago, after graduating from Stanford University’s mechanical engineering program. Since then, he has served start-up and Fortune 500 companies in research, design, clinical, marketing, and sales leadership roles; developing imaging, interventional, surgical, and pharmaceutical products. Along the way, Teddy earned his MBA from the University of Michigan’s Ross Business School. With hard work, good judgment, and a little luck, Teddy has celebrated 2 IPO’s and 4 acquisitions, while earning numerous patents and commercializing dozens of new products worldwide. As a way of fostering innovation, Teddy teaches in the STEM and Biomedical Regulatory Affairs Master of Science (BRAMS) Programs at the University of Washington, serves as Director of Technology Development for the Institute of Translational Health Sciences and WE-REACH, and mentors startup CEOs in Seattle and the Silicon Valley.
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