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Clinical Research Education Series (CRES)

Clinical Research Education Series (CRES)

What is CRES?

The ITHS CRES is a continuing education and networking series for research coordinators and other research staff interested in clinical research topics. Currently, CRES events are 90-minute virtual events which mix didactic and interactive elements.

(Before COVID, 2-hour in‐person events were held between Fred Hutch, Seattle Children’s, and the University of Washington. The first half of each event focused on the presentation of a clinical research topic area, with the second half featuring networking and interaction with fellow attendees to discuss presentation points, exchange ideas, and share experiences.)


Who should attend CRES?

CRES is designed for research professionals of all levels of experience who perform research coordination duties in the health sciences fields at:

  • Fred Hutch
  • Harborview Medical Center
  • Seattle Cancer Care Alliance
  • Seattle Children’s
  • University of Washington
  • Institutions throughout the five‐state WWAMI region

Are there options for off‐site coordinators?

Coordinators from any location are welcome to register for and attend our current slate of virtual events.

(Before COVID, CRES was an in‐person event hosted in Seattle. The continuing education part of CRES was webcast live for off‐site participants. We also post handouts on the ITHS website to prompt reflections and to facilitate networking conversations offline.)

More questions about CRES?

Please contact the education team by email at with any questions.

More Information

View presentations, tools, and handouts from previous CRES events.

Strategies to Optimize Phone Recruitment and Retention (Feb. 28, 2017)

[prettyfilelink size=”2 MB” src=”” type=”pdf” newwindow=”true”]Presentation[/prettyfilelink]

[prettyfilelink size=”2 MB” src=”” type=”pdf” newwindow=”true”]Breakout Presentation: Phone Approaching[/prettyfilelink]

[prettyfilelink size=”3 MB” src=”” type=”pdf” newwindow=”true”]Breakout Presentation: Phone Planning[/prettyfilelink]

Thoughtful Data Collection: Getting the Best Data for Your Study, by Design (Dec. 15, 2016)

[prettyfilelink size=”2 MB” src=”” type=”pdf” newwindow=”true”]Presentation[/prettyfilelink]

[prettyfilelink size=”305 KB” src=”” type=”pdf” newwindow=”true”]Handout[/prettyfilelink]

Research Coordinator as a Negotiator (Sept. 13, 2016)

[prettyfilelink size=”4 MB” src=”” type=”pdf” newwindow=”true”]Presentation Deck[/prettyfilelink]

[prettyfilelink size=”79 KB” src=”” type=”pdf” newwindow=”true”]Negotiation Case Studies[/prettyfilelink]

[prettyfilelink size=”88 KB” src=”” type=”pdf” newwindow=”true”]Negotiation Toolkit[/prettyfilelink]

Informed Consent for Stem Cell Research (March 24, 2016)

[prettyfilelink size=”3 MB” src=”” type=”pdf” newwindow=”true”]Presentation[/prettyfilelink]

[prettyfilelink size=”262 KB” src=”” type=”pdf” newwindow=”true”]Handout[/prettyfilelink]

Best Practices for Managing an Investigator-Sponsored IND (Jan. 21, 2016)

[prettyfilelink size=”1 MB” src=”” type=”pdf” newwindow=”true”]Presentation[/prettyfilelink]

[prettyfilelink size=”321 KB” src=”” type=”pdf” newwindow=”true”]Handout 1: Safety Review and Reporting[/prettyfilelink]

[prettyfilelink size=”326 KB” src=”” type=”pdf” newwindow=”true”]Handout 2: Monitoring[/prettyfilelink]

[prettyfilelink size=”326 KB” src=”” type=”pdf” newwindow=”true”]Handout 3: Selecting and Informing Investigators[/prettyfilelink]

[prettyfilelink size=”326 KB” src=”” type=”pdf” newwindow=”true”]Handout 4: Reporting IND Activity[/prettyfilelink]

[prettyfilelink size=”331 KB” src=”” type=”pdf” newwindow=”true”]Handout 5: Investigational Product Accountability[/prettyfilelink]

Forecasting Regulatory Requirements (Nov. 19, 2015)

[prettyfilelink size=”2 MB” src=”” type=”pdf” newwindow=”true”]Presentation[/prettyfilelink]

[prettyfilelink size=”365 KB” src=”” type=”pdf” newwindow=”true”]Case Study #1[/prettyfilelink]

[prettyfilelink size=”216 KB” src=”” type=”pdf” newwindow=”true”]Case Study #2[/prettyfilelink]

[prettyfilelink size=”289 KB” src=”” type=”pdf” newwindow=”true”]Case Study Worksheet[/prettyfilelink]

Think Like an Auditor (Sept. 24, 2015)

[prettyfilelink size=”959 KB” src=”” type=”pdf” newwindow=”true”]Presentation[/prettyfilelink]

[prettyfilelink size=”201 KB” src=”” type=”pdf” newwindow=”true”]Case Studies[/prettyfilelink]

[prettyfilelink size=”277 KB” src=”” type=”pdf” newwindow=”true”]Tool: Quality Assurance Plan Template[/prettyfilelink]

Upcoming and Past Events