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Professional Development

Professional Development

ITHS offers a variety of seminars and workshops which cover multiple topics and are intended to reach different members of the research team.

Professional Development for Research Coordinators

Professional Development for Research Coordinators

ITHS hosts learning opportunities throughout the year, encouraging research professionals of all levels of experience to network and engage with peers, exchange ideas, and hone professional skills.

Faculty Career Development Series

Faculty Career Development Series

The ITHS Career Development Series consists of lectures and workshops designed to provide junior faculty and investigators with tools, a forum for discussion, and learning opportunities to help advance their careers.

Team Science

ITHS Team Science education and training is offered to support the development, performance, and recognition of high functioning interdisciplinary research teams.

Clinical Research Boot Camp

Our Clinical Research Boot Camp is an annual workshop designed as an introduction for faculty, staff, and post-doctoral fellows to learn all that is involved in designing and managing a clinical trial.

CRISP: Clinical Research Intensive Summer Program

CRISP is a 3-week long program that will provide physician clinical investigators with hands-on experience and key clinical research skills to accelerate their career development.

Pre-Screening 101 Training

This training module is designed to explore a research recruitment tool by using REDCap to build a pre-screening survey or registry.