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Translational Research Education Engine

TREE Learning Management System

Translational Research Education Engine (TREE) Learning Management System

The ITHS-developed Translational Research Education Engine (TREE) learning management system offers educational opportunities and content hosting services for the WWAMI region, CTSA Program, and the greater clinical and translational science community. TREE provides a user-friendly platform that offers an engaging, interactive learner experience. Log into TREE here.

Searching for a user-friendly platform to host your educational content?

TREE is built on the well-established platform, Moodle™ LMS, which provides easy-to-use authoring tools and is highly customizable to your needs. TREE supports multimedia content, interactive assessment, and communication tools to enhance learning.

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[icon_counter border_size=”2″ border_color=”#a4a4a4″ icon=”Defaults-folder-open” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#002060″ text_color=”#ffffff” bg_color=”#718c58″ block_title_front=”Host your educational content.” block_title_back=”Learn more.” custom_link=”1″ button_link=”|title:TREE” button_text=”Go” button_bg=”#002060″ button_txt=”#ffffff”]

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