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Equity in Research Resources

Equity in Research Resources

The ITHS Integrating Special Populations team has created the resources below to help create equitable access for diverse populations not adequately represented in clinical translational research.

Guidelines for Equitable and Effective Teleresearch Engagement

This collection of best practices was developed by researchers and participants involved in teleresearch. They aim to guide research teams in effectively engaging participants remotely for activities like recruiting, enrolling, collecting data, and providing interventions.

Download Guidlines for Equitable and Effective Teleresearch

Equitable Research Best Practices

You can download our guide to learn strategies for integrating the value of equity into the research process below.

[prettyfilelink size=”199 KB” src=”” type=”pdf”]Equitable Research Best Practices 2023[/prettyfilelink]

Community Partnership Guide For Engaging With Academic Researchers

The Community Partnership Guide for Engaging with Academic Researchers is a 3-part guide developed by the Community Advisory Council to help community organizations create a plan for how to partner with academic research teams on research projects that involve their community.

Part 1: Screening questions to use with research teams to quickly assess whether to further explore the opportunity

Part 2: Provides specific ways along a continuum in which the community based organization can engage with research team in terms of project development, partnership governance, budget, and dissemination of findings.

Part 3: A fill-in the blank Memorandum of Understanding for various levels of engagement along a wide continuum

Download the Community Partnership Guide

Institutional Best Practices for Facilitating Engagement of Diverse Populations in Clinical Trials

You can download our summary of best practices that research institutions can implement to help achieve the goal of diverse participation in clinical trials below.

[prettyfilelink size=”82 KB” src=”” type=”pdf”]Institutional Best Practices for Facilitating Engagement of Diverse Populations in Clinical Trials [/prettyfilelink]