13 Jun ITHS Co-PI Katherine Tuttle Honored with Lifetime Achievement Award
ITHS Co-Principal Investigator Katherine Tuttle, MD, FASN, FACP, FNKF, has been named the 2023 winner of the John P. Peters Award by the American Society of Nephrologists. The award, named for one of the founders of the field of nephrology, recognizes individuals who have made substantial research contributions to the study of kidney disease. In addition to her work with ITHS, Dr. Tuttle is a Professor in the UW School of Medicine and the Executive Director for Research for the Inland Northwest at Providence Health & Services.
Dr. Tuttle’s primary research focus is diabetes and chronic kidney disease. She has published more than 300 articles and her work has fundamentally impacted treatment approaches to chronic kidney disease, shaping scientific discovery, clinical trials, and patient treatment across the world.
Dr. Tuttle is chair of the ASN Diabetic Kidney Disease Collaborative. She has chaired numerous other boards, working groups, and committees for additional organizations, including the National Institutes of Health, the American Society of Nephrology, the International Society of Nephrology, Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes, the National Kidney Foundation, and the American Diabetes Association.
In her role with ITHS, Dr. Tuttle oversees the interests of the five-state WWAMI region to ITHS and is Faculty Co-Director of the Participant and Clinical Interactions core, which creates and delivers resources for study development, participant recruitment, protocol implementation, and timely dissemination of results.
All of ITHS offers Dr. Tuttle the heartiest of congratulations on receiving this great and well-deserved honor!