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Turning Your Research into Products and Products into Companies

Paper plane flying up connected with light bulb in one continuous line drawing

Turning Your Research into Products and Products into Companies

May 2, 2022 @ 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm America/Los Angeles Timezone
Online Event
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Aric Lane

Event Video

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This career development session is intended to help you evaluate your options in translation of your scientific work. When is the right time to develop a product?

Note: In this session, we will be discussing personal examples and experiences. We ask that you be considerate of the personal risk people take in presenting their ideas.

Event Materials

[prettyfilelink size=”5 MB” src=”” type=”pdf”]SLIDE PRESENTATION: Turning Your Research into Products and Your Products into Companies[/prettyfilelink]


Learning Objectives

By the end of this session, attendees will be able to:

  1. Derive products from existing research
  2. Identify the right time to pursue product development
  3. Choose the right funding strategy

Schedule of Activities

12:00-12:10pm – Welcome, Overview, Introductions
12:10-1:25pm – Presentation, Interactivity, Q&A
1:25-1:30pm – Thank You and Feedback Survey

About the Speaker

Teddy Johnson, PE, MBA, is the Director of Technology Development for ITHS, and he runs the Technology Development Center, guiding researchers from the bench to successful startup company formation. Early in his career, he began managing medical device research and orchestrated numerous clinical studies throughout Europe, Latin America, and the US. Having trained dozens of physicians and observed over 1000 surgical and cath lab procedures, Teddy is no stranger to the realities of clinical care. Over his 25 year industry career, Teddy served start-up and Fortune 500 companies in research, design, clinical, marketing, and sales leadership roles; developing imaging, interventional, surgical, pharmaceutical, and digital health products. With hard work, good judgment, and a little luck, Teddy has celebrated 2 IPO’s and 4 acquisitions, while earning numerous patents and commercializing dozens of new products worldwide. As a way of giving back, Teddy teaches in the STEM and Biomedical Regulatory Affairs Master of Science (BRAMS) Programs at the University of Washington and mentors startup CEOs in Seattle and the Silicon Valley.