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ITHS Catalyst Awards


Catalyst Awards

The ITHS offers Catalyst Awards  to provide “just-in-time” resources especially to early  career investigators looking to complete a project or collect pilot data for a larger grant application. Investigators can receive a maximum of $5,000 (direct costs only) toward the purchase of supplies or core services not provided by ITHS. If your research includes Human Subjects or Animals, you can apply if your IRB or IACUC is currently approved or exempt.

Submission Deadlines

  • January 1, 2025
  • April 1, 2025
  • July 1, 2025
  • October 1, 2025
Key Dates
Key Dates

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Awardees will be notified of the funding decision about 2 weeks after the application deadline. The period of performance begins 2 months after the application deadline and lasts for 6 months.

[table id=77 /]

Focus of the RFA
Focus of the RFA

Applications should describe a trajectory of past progress, current specific aims and milestones that are feasible within the funding limits. A vision for how attainment of the proposed milestones will enable future work, and the potential scope and impact of future work if the current project is successful.

In your proposal, please describe:

  • How this work will address a critical transition anywhere along the translational path from basic laboratory research to a disseminated diagnostic or therapeutic use
  • How this award is a timely opportunity that will help you achieve a research goal that might otherwise not be possible
  • How your research has led to an exciting translational research question that could form the basis of a new grant

Eligible Investigators
Eligible Investigators

Early Stage Investigators at ITHS Partner Institutions, including the University of Washington, Fred Hutch Cancer Research Center, Seattle Children’s Research Institute, and other academic institutions affiliated with the University of Washington through the ITHS in the WWAMI (Washington, Wyoming, Alaska, Montana, Idaho) region and who meet the NIH definition of an Early Stage Investigator are eligible to apply for this Early Investigator Catalyst Award. Post- doctoral Associates, Fellows, Research Scientists are also eligible to apply. Applications are limited to one per investigator.

All Investigators must be ITHS Members to apply. Membership is free. To become a member, please complete the ITHS Membership Form.

Eligible Purchases
Eligible Purchases

Costs may include materials, supplies and/or services. Catalyst Awards may not be used to pay for personnel salary, benefits, effort, or consultant time. Budget must include anticipated costs – funds cannot be used to reimburse individuals. Indirect costs are not allowed.

Application Process
Application Process

The application must be submitted through the ITHS website.

Applications will follow National Institutes of Health (NIH) formatting guidelines (see FAQ) and include:

[prettyfilelink size=”121 KB” src=”” type=”pdf”]1) Cover Page[/prettyfilelink]

2) Project Title and Abstract (250 word maximum)
3) Research Plan, 2-pages (references do not count toward page limit)
4) [prettyfilelink size=”29 KB” src=”” type=”xls inline”]4a) Budget[/prettyfilelink]and [prettyfilelink size=”37 KB” src=”” type=”doc inline”]4b) Budget Justification[/prettyfilelink]

[prettyfilelink size=”35 KB” src=”” type=”doc”]5) NIH format Biosketches for all investigators (senior/key personnel)[/prettyfilelink]


Catalyst awards will be granted on a quarterly basis from a set amount of funding per quarter. Applications will remain open year round but submissions will close for consideration by 5 pm Pacific Daylight Time on submission deadline days. Applications will be reviewed and awardees notified within 2 weeks of the submission deadline. Awards will expire within 6 months of award notification.

Frequently Asked Questions

[superior_faq  layout=”boxed” open_icon=”plus-circle” close_icon=”minus-circle” headline_tag=”p” effect=”accordion” permalink=”yes” deeplinking=”yes” excerpt=”no” voting=”no” category_style=”display:none;” title_style=”font-weight:600;” content_style=”” categories=”189″]

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