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Clinical Research Centers

Northwest Participant and Clinical Interactions Network

The Northwest Participant and Clinical Interactions (NW PCI) Network is a collaboration of regional clinical and translational research centers affiliated with medical centers, healthcare systems, and universities in the Washington, Wyoming, Alaska, Montana, and Idaho (WWAMI) region. NW PCI sites collaborate with investigators to conduct clinical research at centers across the region in rural and urban locations.

Available Services

Available Services

Are you looking for regional sites for a clinical research study? Do you have an idea for a new patient-centered outcomes, or comparative effectiveness study? Are you interested in pulling together a multi-disciplinary team to co-develop your next grant application?

Through the NW PCI, we can help you create a partnership with clinical research centers in the WWAMI region, find collaborators, assemble a team, and provide guidance about working with regional sites.

NW PCI services include:

  • Consultations regarding research ideas
  • Development of collaborative teams
  • Access to research tools and expertise for effective collaboration
  • Assistance with grant development
NW PCI Network Capabilities

NW PCI Network Capabilities

The NW PCI Network is comprised of 12 member institutions with experience and infrastructure to conduct many types of research, including phase I-IV clinical trials, social and behavioral interventions, and patient-centered outcomes and health services research. NW PCI sites are collectively capable of administering inpatient, outpatient, pediatric, and home-based protocols, and draw diverse patients from rural and urban settings in the WWAMI region.

Each NW PCI location has extensive research infrastructure including: investigators, research coordinators, financial and regulatory staff, investigational pharmacy services, and compliance programs. NW PCI locations also have committed champions who collaborate with the NW PCI to vet research ideas, link investigators with partners, and guide research proposals through the research systems at each site.

Work with the NW PCI Network

Work with the NW PCI Network

To work with the NW PCI, please contact us with your study idea. Ideas are accepted on an ongoing basis, please contact us with your study idea as early as possible.

NW PCI sites conduct in-depth feasibility assessments to 1) estimate the number eligible patients, 2) determine if the proposed budget will cover expenses, 3) assure alignment with clinical, patient, and institutional priorities, and 4) identify site investigators and key research personnel. Our team will assist you with developing your materials and facilitating connections with interested sites, but please plan to provide the following at least 8 weeks prior to your grant deadline:

  • Abstract or Specific Aims page to describe the research question and importance of the study
  • Study or protocol outline or synopsis with information about the role of NW PCI sites
  • Draft site budget
  • Number of research sites needed
  • Study entry criteria, including inclusion and exclusion criteria, number of participants and expected recruitment rate
  • Description of study funding, including link to the funding opportunity and grant deadline, if applicable


A typical timeline for collaborative development of grant applications with NW PCI sites includes the following activities before the grant submission deadline:

[icon_timeline timeline_line_color=”#1e73be” time_block_bg_color=”#ffffff” time_sep_color=”#bcbcbc” time_sep_bg_color=”#1e73be”][icon_timeline_sep time_sep_title=”Early Planning” time_sep_color=”#ffffff”][icon_timeline_item time_title=”3+ months “]

  • Investigator contacts NW PCI Network
  • Investigator develops research question, aims, protocol and budget, our team provides guidance and feedback on relevance and feasibility in NW PCI sites
  • Investigator completes power and sample size estimations

[/icon_timeline_item][icon_timeline_item time_title=”3 months”]

  • Our team works with the investigator to compile and tailor content for NW PCI sites
  • NW PCI leadership reviews study packet
  • Our team identifies prospective NW PCI sites and disseminates study packet to site champions

[/icon_timeline_item][icon_timeline_item time_title=”2 months”]

  • Interested NW PCI sites complete feasibility assessments, including EHR data query
  • Our team facilitates budget negotiation and refinement of the protocol between the investigator and NW PCI sites
  • Our team drafts NW PCI site grant documents templates (e.g., budget, letter of support, scope of work) for investigator review and disseminates to NW PCI sites

[/icon_timeline_item][icon_timeline_sep time_sep_title=”Approaching the Deadline” time_sep_color=”#ffffff”][icon_timeline_item time_title=”5 weeks”]

  • NW PCI sites complete grant documents, obtain required approvals and return final documents to the investigator
  • Investigator integrates site content into application and completes final revisions

[/icon_timeline_item][icon_timeline_item time_title=”2 weeks”]Investigator finalizes the application and sends for final review (e.g., UW Office of Sponsored Programs)[/icon_timeline_item][icon_timeline_item time_title=”1 week”]

  • Investigator completes submission and confirms submission and expected review and decision dates with NW PCI sites

[/icon_timeline_item][icon_timeline_sep time_sep_title=”Submit your application!”][/icon_timeline]

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